
A common obstacle that may limit us in using renewable energy sources is money.

There are a number of subsidy programs that cover up to several dozen percent of the costs of purchasing and installing systems.


Here is a list of current programs thanks to which you can receive a subsidy or benefit from a discount:

  • Mój Prąd – purchase and installation of PV installations from 2 kWp to 10 kWp by natural persons generating electricity for their own needs,
  • Czyste Powietrze – replacement of the heat source: including: purchase and installation of a PV installation from 2 kWp to 10 kWp, purchase and installation of a heat pump, owners of single-family residential buildings,
  • Moje Ciepło – purchase and installation of heat pumps in new single-family residential buildings,
  • Agroenergia – including: purchase and installation of a PV installation, purchase and installation of a heat pump with a power of up to 50 kWp by farms,
  • Energia dla Wsi – purchase and installation of a PV installation with a capacity above 50 kWp, not more than 1 MWp,
    • by a farmer and above 10 kW, not more than 10 MW by energy cooperatives,
    • Grant OZE – purchase and installation of a PV installation, heat pump and energy storage in cooperative or community buildings,
    • Ulga termomodernizacyjna – allows you to deduct the costs of purchasing and installing a PV installation from your tax. The relief is available to owners of buildings that have already been constructed – detached, terraced, semi-detached or group buildings.


We also help in obtaining a loan on very favorable terms. We cooperate directly with banks, thanks to which we can provide our clients with safe and attractive financing. Installing photovoltaics as part of a loan is a good choice for anyone who wants to reduce the costs of their electricity bill and at the same time care for the natural environment.

By choosing this solution, you can be sure that you are investing in an ecological and economical energy source.

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